"I also long to be loved for who I Am..." -God

"As much as you desire to be loved for who you are, I also long to be loved for Who I AM. When you come to worship, you always want Me to change, to be more like you. You beg Me to become what is comfortable for you; to prefer your preferences to someone else’s. I hear you: You want Me to approve, your instruments, your hymnal, your liturgy, your message. So caught up in the act of church that you’ve forgotten why you came. So I’m inviting you to know Me dear one! Let go of your repetitious worship and embrace Me. I AM THAT I AM. I AM the creed and the dance; a quiet love song and a mighty African choir. I AM hands high and I AM heads bowed;  As much apart of the wine, as the grape juice. At home in Temples and Stables. This is Me. I am not confined by denominations or religious rituals; For where redeemed souls are present and accounted for I AM there. There is no need to doubt My approval: Your unique worship thrills My heart...to be loved by you-to love you, this eternal closeness we share. It’s everything; And one day I promise you, you will wake up in a  realm you’ve never seen but that you have always been apart of, whose walls and history flow through your veins. Then when you go to worship you won't be tied down by human opinions, limitations and obligations. I am so eagerly anticipating this day! When you come to Me unafraid of intimacy, fully relaxed in My love; forever freed by the oneness we share. Yes! Then My beautiful one, I will take you to places beyond imagination. In an ecstasy you’ve never even dreamed of, we will soar to the heights of Heaven. My adoration filling your very being to overflowing within My most holiest place.”


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