"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."-Matthew 16:24

What’s your cross? We all have a cross. A tragedy, an addiction, a hopeless situation, scars of abuse, loss of a loved one, the weight of legalism. Whatever is heavy in your life right now-that’s your cross. Jesus wasn’t saying,  “those who follow me will get a cross.” He was simply making a statement that each of us have one-whether we realize it or not. The important question is, what does the Father want to do with our crosses? He took Jesus’ cross and made it a symbol of hope and healing for all times.

I think Jesus is inviting us here to let the Father do the same for us. “Follow me and watch what I can do with your addiction;  watch what I can do with your scars and tragic loss.” We are trapped in a circle of disbelief that this impossible situation, this cross on our back could ever be good-beautiful-sacred or glorious. We’ve tried for years to disguise our cross and hide it’s shame. Time and time again, we stand in our own way of freedom! Jesus says, “Stop ... move out of the way. Refuse/deny/dismiss the voice in your head that says, ‘God can’t’ and take up your cross and bring it with you.’” God can handle your heartache and mess and better than that, He will take it and make it your glory and crown.
Jesus carried His cross out of Jerusalem, in front of hundreds, He was exposed and vulnerable. The Bible said, He didn’t care- he “ignored the shame.”* He thought nothing of it. Like when Jacob served 7 years before he could marry Rachel and It was nothing to him, "because great was his love for her.” *
Jesus locked eyes with you (you were His joy*), He let go of Himself (“Father do it your way!”*) and He took on His cross and God saved the world through Him. Now we have the opportunity to encounter this transfiguring love and when we do, we will absolutely discover that our shackles become our wings to fly.

*Hebrews 12:2
*Genesis 29:20
*Matthew 26: 39
Song: Who You Say I am


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