The Mirror

From the beginning I was made in Your likeness.* A creation unlike the rest; Designed to be so close to You that I would see myself in your eyes and in that reflection, know my true self. I was born to be the mirror for Your soul: As You adored me, I was to adore and worship You. As you delighted in my happiness, I was to find complete satisfaction in Your joy and as You loved with Your whole Being (body, mind and spirit), I was to take that oceanic love and channel it back to You.
Your glory was my inheritance and my childlike  wonder was Yours.
Oh but I took our mirrored relationship and I broke it; shattering  Your dreams for me across this good and perfect world. When I should have reached for Your promises, I reached for the one thing you withheld from me and I believed the lie  I’d be “like god” and forgot I already was.
Then, Papa, I ran. I ran from my reflection in Your eyes, I told myself it would never be the same. You couldn’t possibly still love me. I tried to forget Your smile and I traded my inheritance for endless shame and disguises. Until one day I was so lonely and desperate for You-my usual demons of guilt couldn’t shout loud enough. Your goodness flickered in my mind. I remembered Your gentleness and kindness in those first days of creation, when You took my hands and taught me how to walk. I thought to myself, even if I could never be in your likeness again, perhaps You would take me as your slave-at least then I could just be near You.*
So I got up to make the long journey back to You but as I turned around I was completely startled to find You were already there. I don’t know how long you had been standing so close to me but I suspect a very long time.
Papa, I wanted to tell You all the reasons I was so sorry for breaking our relationship, for all the shattered dreams and jagged pieces of sin that now corrupted Your prized earth. I wanted too but You did all the talking. You had all the answers. With tenderness You lifted my chin so we could look eye to eye again and there I was, still in Your likeness. I immediately noticed Your hands, wounded and damaged. The scars forming my name across your palms* and I realized that You, Yourself  had gathered up the barbed pieces of our relationship and eternally welded them together. The mirror was whole again.
Now I lock eyes with You and I dare not look away. You move and it defines me, You sing and it wakes up life in me. You are quiet and I am waiting. I reflect Your heart. I am Your likeness. The only thing created to mirror You-to be loved and then to love. To be adored and then to adore. To receive and then to release.

*Genesis 1:27
*The Parable of the Prodigal Son: Luke 15:11-32
*Isaiah 49:16


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